Information on the Grievance Mechanism

Human Rights at Komatsu Germany GmbH and along the Supply Chain

Compliance with all applicable laws, integrity and a responsible approach also concerning human rights and the environment are of utmost importance for Komatsu Germany. Against this background, Komatsu Germany takes the obligations of the SCDDA and the German Whistleblower Protection Act very seriously.

Komatsu Germany opposes any violation of human rights or the environment in its own operations and along the supply chain.

Whistleblowing and Grievances

Komatsu Germany fosters an open speak up culture to earn and maintain the trust of society. Komatsu Germany is committed to promptly identify and remedy any deficiencies it may have. A trustworthy, easy to use and effective whistleblowing and grievance mechanism plays a vital role in doing so. The whistleblowing and grievance mechanism shall function as early alert system and provide access to appropriate preventive measures or remedial actions to end, mitigate or prevent risks or violations of Komatsu policies or applicable laws.

Anyone inside or outside Komatsu Germany (including, but not limited to, employees of direct or indirect suppliers) can submit a report or grievance. Reporters can remain anonymous.

All indications of possible violations of laws and/or applicable regulations such as the Komatsu (Supplier) Code of Conduct or human rights or environmental risks or violations can be reported via the whistleblowing and grievance mechanism.

Komatsu Germany will not retaliate (potential) reporters who submitted the report or grievance in good faith. In addition, Komatsu Germany will appropriately use its influence on business partners to protect their employees along the supply chain from retaliation to the extent possible.

Komatsu Germany will take appropriate action to investigate any report and will involve the reporter throughout the handling of the report as appropriate. Handling of the report will be fair, neutral and independent.

The reporter's identity and the report itself will be treated strictly confidential to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Komatsu Germany complies with applicable data privacy laws and regulations.

Reporting Channels

Komatsu Germany offers the following reporting channels:

By email to


By post to

Komatsu Germany GmbH – Construction, for the attention of the Compliance Hotline responsible, HR Department, Hanomagstraße 15, 30449 Hannover, Germany
Komatsu Germany GmbH – Mining, for the attention of the Compliance Hotline responsible, HR Department, Forststraße 29, 40597 Düsseldorf, Germany 

In addition, Komatsu employees can report directly to:

the Komatsu Germany HR Department/Manager;

the direct supervisor;

Komatsu Germany management;

The European Compliance Hotline

The global Compliance Hotline

More Information

For additional information, please refer to the Compliance Hotline Policy as published on the company website: